
zenith online course in diet plan and health

Our Basic Course

In India, the number of nutrition and dietetics courses has significantly increased due to the demand for dietitians. The study of nutrition and dietetics is available at various levels of education in India, including certificate, diploma, postgraduate diploma, and degree programs, among others. Nowadays, the duties of a dietitian extend beyond merely giving medical advice. As a result of its evolution into a scientific field closely related to medical research and study, a wide range of dietetics and nutrition courses are now offered.

zenith online course in diet plan and health advanced course

Our Advanced Course

Nutrition and Dietetics Course provides opportunity to the students to study different areas of food nutrition and food management. The students who want to pursue a nutrition and dietetics course can look for the colleges that are offering Nutrition and Dietetics courses.

A qualified healthcare professional who makes dietary recommendations based on in-depth research of the patient is known as a nutritionist or dietitian. Usually, those with medical conditions, accident and trauma survivors, former service members, etc., need dietary advice. Additionally, nutritionists or dietitians work with legislators and other business stakeholders on matters like food quality, disease, drugs, and other medical issues.

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