- If you are a parent, you are familiar with the struggle of making your fussy child gulp down a glass of milk loaded with taste enhancers; sneak in healthy vegetables in dishes & push them to eat fruits; blackmail them into eating another serving of rice or an added chapati.
- The struggle doesn’t end there. You have to ensure they have enough water in a day to keep their bowel movements strong. With so much on the plate (literally!) it’s possible for mothers to miss out on a lot of healthy ingredients that should ideally be a part of their kids’ diet.
- Here we decode your little one’s dietary needs. Special recipes include.
Nourishment Importance
Proper nutrition is crucial to consider when you care for kids, as it protects against malnourishment, maintains a healthy immune system, prevents obesity and reduces the risk of chronic disease. Some important nutrients for children include: Calcium strengthens bones. Found in milk, yogurt and seeds.
Leading Deficiency
Poor diets in early childhood can lead to deficiencies in essential vitamins and nutrients – such as vitamin A deficiency, which weakens children’s immunity, increases their risk of blindness and can lead to death from common childhood diseases like diarrhea.
Nutrition from early age
Nutrition is important at every age. Your children need proper nutrients stay healthy and strong, and grow up healthy and strong. Nutrition for children can also help establish a foundation for healthy eating habits and nutritional knowledge that your child can apply throughout life.