Medication for PCOSPCOD vs. Lifestyle Management by Dietician Priya Mittal's Zenith

Medication for PCOS/PCOD vs. Lifestyle Management by Dietician Priya Mittal’s Zenith Diet Clinic

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) are common endocrine disorders affecting women of reproductive age. Both conditions are characterized by hormonal imbalances that can lead to symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, acne, and infertility. Managing these conditions often involves a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. Dietician Priya Mittal’s […]

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Indian Vegetarian Delights Unveiling the Power of Superfoods

Indian Vegetarian Delights: Unveiling the Power of Superfoods

In the diverse landscape of Indian vegetarian cuisine, there exists a treasure trove of superfoods—nourishing gems that not only contribute to the rich tapestry of flavors but also boast incredible health benefits. Let’s embark on a culinary journey to explore the nutritional prowess of these Indian vegetarian superfoods. 1. Turmeric: The Golden Elixir 2. Moringa:

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Delicious and Nutrient-Packed Healthy Vegetarian Snacking Options for India

Delicious and Nutrient-Packed: Healthy Vegetarian Snacking Options for India

In the vibrant tapestry of Indian cuisine, snacking is not just a habit; it’s a celebration of flavors. While the local markets are brimming with tempting, albeit often unhealthy, snack choices, there’s a world of nutritious and delicious options waiting to be explored. Here’s a guide to indulging your taste buds with healthy vegetarian snacks

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Nourishing the Planet The Impact of Food Choices on the Environment

Nourishing the Planet: The Impact of Food Choices on the Environment

In our daily lives, the choices we make about what to eat extend far beyond our personal well-being. Every bite we take has a ripple effect on the environment, influencing ecosystems, biodiversity, and the overall health of our planet. The way we produce, distribute, and consume food plays a pivotal role in shaping the future

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The Impact of Social Media on Students’ Dietary Choices

The Impact of Social Media on Students’ Dietary Choices

Social media has become an integral part of the lives of college students, offering a platform for communication, self-expression, and information sharing. However, the rise of social media has also brought about unintended consequences, particularly in relation to students’ dietary choices. This article explores the influence of social media on college students’ eating habits, the

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The Importance of Breakfast Why You Shouldn't Skip the Most Important Meal of the Day

The Importance of Breakfast: Why You Shouldn’t Skip the Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast has long been hailed as the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. It provides the body with the necessary nutrients and energy to kick-start the day and perform at its best. However, in today’s fast-paced world, many people choose to skip this essential meal due to time constraints or misguided

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Relation between Nutrition And Mental Health

Relation between Nutrition And Mental Health

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the profound relationship between nutrition and mental health. While we often consider nutrition’s impact on physical health, it is equally essential to understand its influence on our mental well-being. As research continues to shed light on this intricate connection, it becomes evident that what we

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child eating burger

Preventing Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity has become a significant public health concern, with rates steadily rising in many parts of the world. It is a complex issue with numerous factors contributing to its prevalence, including poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyles, and environmental influences.However, by implementing effective strategies and promoting healthy habits, we can work together to prevent childhood obesity.

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male female sprinter athlete

Optimal Nutrition for Athletic Performance

Whether you’re a professional athlete or simply enjoy participating in sports and physical activities, achieving optimal performance requires more than just physical training. Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting athletic performance and overall well-being. By providing your body with the right nutrients at the right time, you can maximize your energy levels, enhance recovery,

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