Pre-wedding diet program

Pre-Wedding Diet Program​

  • Whether you just want to lose that extra fat on your tummy or want a natural charming and glowing skin for your special day, this program is for you.
  • This special program is designed to help you lose a few kilos and improve your skin texture with the power of healthy food and nutrition. No medicines or supplements!
  • Apart from this, your body and mind will also feel healthy like never before.

Reduce weight​

It is all about making healthy food choices. A well-balanced nutrition plan is always the best bet to reduce weight variability. A well-balanced diet & regular exercise will also help you maintain your weight even after the wedding.

Team efforts

The amount of time we spend & truly being there for you as a part of family, small but connected team of well qualified & experienced dietitians & nutritionists. We educate you about the food, & how small changes can result in long-term benefits.

Sustainable Diet Plan

Focus on nutrition as a sustainable lifestyle change, not just calorie counting! You may lose weight rapidly by including more fruits and vegetables in your regular diet. Non-restrictive diet & lifestyle plans.

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